TVA = The best SPANX you can get! FREE!

Transverse Abdominis ( TVA)

The deepest internal Abdominal Muscle – Your “ girdle” muscle. The “ SPANX” of your abdomen…It helps keep your waist tight and less saggy. Having a pregnancy stretches out ALL of your abdominal muscles like crazy!  But weakness of the TVA is one of the most important ones we should address, and we ALL want  a good, strong core for health and lets face it- physical appearance of a nice, tight, tiny waist.

Some of the signs of core strength weakness
+ Achy back when standing or holding baby- not to mention you have huge breasts full of milk trying to pull your posture forward all the time!
+ Saggy looking , soft pooch even after weight loss

What causes a Weak TVA?

1. Inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle
2. Surgical procedures
3. Lack of neural drive
4. Improper training of the core musculature/too much flexion and extension ( think of sit-ups or the Abdominal machines?  They are all making you do a flexion and extension and your big rectus abdominis takes over, causing bulk.)

A few Key Exercises that primarily work the TVA

• #1– THE Tummy Tuck- Lying on your back, knees bent, slowly exhale and imagine you are trying everything possible to pull your belly button into your spine. Hold for a few seconds, repeat. A great starter exercise! Make sure you BREATH. Check out this link for more information about the core breath and the TVA.

• Hip Bridge- Lying on your back, knees bent, arms at side- exhale and bring your hips up like you are trying to bring it up to your rib cage. Hold, release. Repeat

• Plank- Hold as long as you can without rounding your back. Flat back is critical and as this is a more advanced exercise, seek the advice of your doctor or pelvic floor physio before proceeding.

• Swiss Ball Passes: Have a ball between your ankles, arms overhead, bring your feet up to the sky while you bring your hands up to grab the ball and put back over your head. Passing back and forth. Keeping spine in neutral position. Repeat.

• Russian Twist- If you are able to rotate and keep excellent form- Slow and controlled

• Bear Crawl Stance- On all 4’s tuck in your toes, and elevate your knees slightly off the ground hold.  Next progression- Lift one arm out yet remain stationary- no rotation.

BUT AS ALWAYS, get advice from your doctor first before proceeding with an exercise program, especially if you are post-partum

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